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Coupling pieces entirely made of steel
Specially manufactured for our A-Quality road plates
Suitable for havier use
The most high-quality coupling pieces available on the market
€ 7,50
Coupling pieces entirely made of galvanizes teel
Coupling piece specially made for our Budget synthetic road plates
€ 4,50
Available in various sizes.
Various stacking heights available.
Removable stanchions
Easily and safely moved with a forklift truck.
Stack the stacking boxes on each other and set them aside.
From € 325,-
A straight handle for correct posture.
The length is 110 cm.
The hook is made of strong, curved steel.
Available in the colour green.
€ 19,95
Specially manufactured for our HDPE road plates
Heavy Duty
Available in 2-way and 4-way connectors
€ 9,50 / € 14,50